Mobile Autonomous Systems
and Cognitive Robotics


The ROSIN project: Towards an EU Digital Industrial Platform for Robotics through Open-Source Software

Project Title
ROS-Industrial quality-assured robot software components
Funding Agency
European Union "Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation" Programme
Grant No
Grant Agreement No. 732287
Funding Sum
7.504.236 EUR
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Alexander Ferrein (FB5), Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stephan Kallweit (FB8)
Patrick Wiesen, M.Sc, Nicolas Limpert, B.Sc., Dr. Stefan Schiffer
Project Partners
Delft University of Technology (The Netherlands, coordinator), Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation IPA (Germany), IT University of Copenhagen (Denmark), Fachhochschule Aachen University of Applied Sciences (Germany), Fundacion Tecnalia Research and Innovation (Spain), ABB AB (Sweden).

Open-Source Software for robots is a de-facto practice in academia, and its advantages can benefit industrial applications as well. The worldwide ROS-Industrial initiative has been using ROS, the Robot Operating System, to this end. In order to consolidate Europe’s dominance in advanced manufacturing, the H2020 project ROSIN will push the role of the EU within ROS-Industrial to a leading position.

It will achieve this goal through three main actions on ROS:

The MASCOR Institute is coordinating the educational activities in the ROSIN project. The public launch of ROSIN was given on March 22, 2017 at the European Robotics Forum (ERF) in Edinburgh.

The official press release can be found here.

Apart from developing components for quality assurance ourselves, 50% of the project budget are reserved for so-called Focused Technical Projects (FTPs). In these FTPs, applicants can be provided with up to 30% of the costs of an Open Source robotics project relevant to ROS Industrial. Application can be filed on the official website
